Christian Values Legacy Intentionally raising children to become Christian adults
Transform your Christian parenting experience by understanding yourself and your children. Order your Temperament Profile today.

Temperament Coaching

What is Temperament Coaching?

Temperament Coaching helps you to identify and understand your innate temperament--who God has designed you to be. Further, it guides you to optimize that understanding and effectively pass your values on to others, particularly your children. Coaching helps you better understand yourself and yourself in each of your relationships. This understanding leads to better communication, which is a huge benefit for families. The Temperament Profile gives you information; coaching helps you use that information.

What Is a Telephone Coaching Session?

A Telephone Coaching Session takes place at a convenient time, in the privacy of your own home on the telephone:

Sessions vary from 60 to 90 minutes.

Who Can Participate in a Coaching Session?


We offer coaching to anyone who has completed a Temperament Profile with us.

We offer coaching for Individuals, Couples, Parents, Teachers, Families and Homeschoolers.

Why is coaching important to parents who want their children to become Christian adults?

The family provides a training ground to learn how to interact with others with respect and love—in spite of differences. The Temperament Profile identifies these differences; coaching gives direct help to handle your personal family dynamics.

1) A coach can identify family dynamics that a parent may overlook.

A child who has a different temperament from his parents, may feel that he doesn’t fit in or belong in the family. As he rejects the family, he also rejects their values and turns away from being a Christian.

Parents who recognize how each child is “strongly inclined” can intentionally go beyond their own inclinations, and guide their children in character development with fewer misunderstandings. This equates to the child as respect, which goes a long way in his accepting your Christian values.

2) A coach helps parents use the Temperament Profile information in practical ways.

Parents are busy. They are often juggling earning an income, ministering to others, getting a degree and building their marriage, as well as raising their children. A coach shows them how to hone their skills to understand each child uniquely, and, through this, to become more effective in passing on their values.

3) A coach helps parents put action to their good intentions.

All of us have seen families with good intentions, whose children have rejected Christian values. Coaching is for parents who believe that it is a priority to pass on their Christian values, and are willing to be proactive in making the little changes that make a big difference in successfully doing so.

These families may not be experiencing anything problematic and/or troublesome, but want help applying and optimizing the temperament information to avoid the pitfalls that lead children to reject Christian values. Coaching usually is not involved with past history, but focuses on making the parenting changes now that minimize “values rejection” in the future.

How do I get started with coaching?

If you have already completed the Temperament Profile, order coaching sessions now. You will be contacted by phone or email within twenty-four hours to schedule your first session. Coaching Products.

If you have not completed a Temperament Profile, you can order yours here.

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